Lived: 1220-1287
Feast Day: March 20th
Pope Blessed Under:(Pope Gregory XV) (1622)
A quite precocious child, Ambrose became a friar at the age of 17 (despite pleas from parents and friends not to). But it seemed even from birth this would be Ambrose's calling: he was severely deformed when born and so his parents sent him to a nurse to be raised. After a mysterious encounter with a stranger at the Church one day, a remarkable change occured. Ambrose spoke the word "Jesus" and stretched his arms. His deformities were gone and he lived healthy. On his second birthday, his father offered him the choice of a secular or religious text.

He of course chose the religious, and embarked on a quest to write for God. He felt he could not match the other great Catholic authors however, especially Saint Thomas, so he preached to the poor and abandoned instead. He spread the Good Word throughout Italy, Germany, and France. While preaching abroad, he was often seen to levitate and a glow would surround him. He is often associated with bright colored birds as well.He is the patron of engaged couples and Sienna.

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