This writeup explains (with a sample) how ECTOR learns a sentence by integrating it into its Concept Network. Let's see on an example in what order to integrate words in the Concept Network. Here is a part of the initial Concept Network:

                                               +-------(1)-----> program (1)
ECTOR (5) <----(2)----> is (3) <----(3)----> a (3) <----(1)----> bot (2)
Achille (1) <----(1)----+

Now, let's consider the sentence to integrate: Achille is a program.

  1. Adding of occurrences and co-occurrences:
    Achille (2) <----(2)----> is (4) <----(4)----> a (4) <----(2)----> program (2)
  2. Expression/concept detection (co-occ >= MinCo-occ = 4):
          +--------------> Achille is a program (1) <--------------+
          |                          ^                             |
          |                          |                             |
          |                         (1)                            |
         (1)                         |                            (1)
          |                          v                             |
          |                +-(4)--> is a (4) <--(4)-+              |
          |                |                        |              |
          v                v                        v              v
    Achille (2) <--(2)--> is (4) <-----(4)-----> a (4) <--(2)--> program (2)
  3. Labels detection (simplified figure):
          +-----> Achille is a program (1) <----+
          |               ^                     |
          |               |                     |
         (1)             (1)                   (1)
          |               |                     |     ======>            is a (4)
          v               v                     v                           |
    Achille(2) <--(2)--> is a (4) <--(2)--> program (2)     Achille (2) <--(1)--> Program (2)