too much order.
Order that inhibits human
thought or
Ant-like conformity,
sterility and
Unnecessary order that dose not serve to
simplify life and yield
clarity, but rather, traps its victims in a
Byzantine structure of
rules and
procedures that make
thinking outside the box nearly impossible.
People who suffer from
obsessive compulsive disorders,
anorexia, or who are
perfectionists may find themselves entangled in a
self imposed Tyranny of order:
"I'm hungry, but I cannot eat until I exercise for 50 minutes, I cannot exercise until I have washed my running closes, I cannot wash my running clothes until I've washed all of my clothes, I cannot wash my clothes until I've cleaned my apartment, I cannot clean my apartment until I've copied my notes from class three times, I cannot copy my notes until I've emptied and cleaned my school bag, I cannot . . . ."