The thing about finger picking is that you must have the nails on your picking hand longer than the nails on your fretting hand. This leads to two problems: First, people think you're either some sort of cocaine addict or just plain weird. Second, it is very traumatic when you break a nail just before a performance. People such as Chet Atkins would sometimes wear a glove on their right hand, or just be very careful to open car doors and perform other daily tasks with their left hand. (No, this is not the reason Michael Jackson wears a glove on one hand! He can only play one instrument: The tenor pecker.)

Should you break a nail and need a "fix," there is a method whereby you can use ping pong balls, cut them in the shape you require, and glue them to the underside of the broken nail with super glue. Obviously, this is only recommended for adults who understand the risks involved. Some guitarists say that the ping pong replacement actually gives a better tone than did the original nail. I don't agree, but it beats the hell out of trying to use a pick if you're not a pick player.