Here we go again.

I met someone last night, someone I liked. Oddly enough, this doesn't happen all too often, but when it does, the world seems to change. The lake I'm looking out at right now seems brighter, clearer, and full of exciting life. The ducks that I usually have to shoo away from my backyard seem so beautiful today, and the lizards that crawl up and down that same old fence are suddenly really cool. The idea of being with someone new is quite intoxicating.

She came with a mutual friend to watch the Lakers vs Magic game last night. The game wasn't very interesting, but she was. We had several very long conversations about pretty much nothing at all. I loved it, and I loved her. Don't get me wrong, I'm not actually "in love" with a girl I've only met once for a few hours. I loved HER, as a person, the way she thinks and articulates and puts together words that aren't supposed to go together and gets away with it. I loved the way she made me think; I loved the fact that she held her principles in such high regard yet remained open-minded. I loved her in the same way I love E2. Or maybe it was just the pot.

I don't know why I even bother though. I already know what's going to happen if this does lead to something: the first few weeks will be awesome, then I'll get just a little bit too drunk one night and say something or do something that I'll regret. Even after she accepts my apology, things will never be the same. We will torture each other for a while, and finally, when all hope of a happily ever after is completely destroyed, it'll end, one way or another.

Anyways, it's a Wednesday and I've decided to blow off work. My roommate and some friends are headed to the beach; perhaps I'll go with them. Most likely I'll sit at home all day in front of the TV with my trusty bong by my side and enjoy my little crush while I still can.