"Look I've found a writing site
Wow." I am up all night.
Reading sneaking
Looking peaking
"Wow, I can write anything.
I'm so excited, I'll begin
I'm sure that it is just my fate
to be a writer, really great."
I start to prattle and to prate
About the stuff my family hates.
Forbidden and the evil topics
They bother me, I don't stop
At anything, I'm freed with wings,
"And another thing..."

"But wait, what's up? Oh, no.
My email box begins to glow.
I try the catbox out for size!
Whoa, the big fish make a rise.

Oh, ow, please no more!
I didn't mean to be a bore!
I'm really not an evil whore!"
I read the words with mounting horror.

I leave the site. It's on the shelf.
I can't go there and be myself.
I think I'll just write here at home.
Lonesome, lonely and alone.