I don't know a lot about a particular subject, unless you count cross dressing Welsh farmers so I daylog. I enjoy writing about my life, however boring and inconseqential it may seem to others. I find it also help me sort out the days events in my head. I really like reading other people's logs, to get that little snippet of insight into others lives. Slightly voyouristic isn't it?!

I don't node for the ages much. I node for me

Things learnt this week via E2
1) when DEB suggests an addition to a recipe, you can bet a large amount of money she'll be spot on.
2) tentative is an Aussie.

As an aside, typing a node using an iPhone is really difficult. Actually, typing full stop is hard using this thing, made harder if you're not the most co-ordinated person in town. Other than that, I bloody love this thing (even if I have to yomp up a mountain to get enough signal to use the internet. Oh well, at least work can't complain about the massive Internet usage this month! p Dan out