Students -- attend.

If you log in and click on "Preferences" in your Epicenter nodelet, then change your Theme to "E2 Jukka Theme", you will get the all-new general Everything 2 Style.

It has a white background, the stylized E2 logo, a search bar at the top of the screen, and a bunch of funky icons along the right-hand side of the screen.

It's all just so... so... Well, you know, I'd have a much better idea of what this theme was like if I knew what the hell a "Jukka" was. Is it a brand of coffee? A Norwegian deer? A kind of African drum? A dance competition in Poland? Nate's grandmother? The crud between my toes? Jabba the Hutt's redneck cousin?

Ah, screw it. There are some things man was not meant to know...