WANTED (read the small notice, printed - oddly - in green): A small space ship, about eight feet long, built by a boy, or by two boys, between the ages of eight and eleven...."

A wonderful series of books (* * * * *) by Eleanor Cameron, just the right thing to get a 10- or 11-year old interested in reading.  The books center around three characters:
  • Mr. Bass, an odd little man with a greenish pallor
  • David Topman and Chuck Masterson, two boys from Pacific Grove who build a spaceship for Mr Bass, in answer to a newspaper ad.
The series consists of five books altogether: Although most of the books are out of print, a decent library should have them all.  When my brother and I finally found a copy of Time and Mr. Bass, we fought over who would get to read it first. Harry Potter, eat your heart out.