The weirdest thing

Another anecdote

I am rarely at a loss for words. Some might say I am witty and sharp*, others might say I am rude and sarcastic. I guess none of these opinions are far from the truth. Most of the time I manage to think before I speak, but sometimes I just shoot my mouth off. I often get away with saying the most outrageous things, though, and I put that down to my big, innocent, blue eyes. Looks can be so deceiving...

But every now and then someone says something to me that really shuts me up. It doesn't happen often, but occasionally. Yesterday, as I was out with some friends, I was reminded of the weirdest thing a stranger has ever said to me. Maybe the weirdest thing anyone has ever said to me.

It was some ten years ago, at my brother's birthday party. The party was being held at a restaurant, and after the main course we were supposed to get what we wanted to drink from the bar. Worked fine. The restaurant was located in a large room adjacent to the bar room, and since I was sitting very close to the door, I got to be the one to get drinks a lot of the time.

At the bar, by the door, stood a man. He looked slightly scruffy. Odd in the way he was cradling his drink, looking intently at me when I ordered. I did notice the way he stared at my face, but I pretended not to. I had to pass him every time I went to and fro, and the most convenient spot to catch the bartender's attention was, of course, next to this guy.

The third time I approached the bar, he talked to me.

"I like your lips." he said. I shot him a glance, but didn't answer. "I would like to cut them", he continued. Level voice. Just an observation on his part.

No, I did not come up with a witty or scathing answer. I grabbed my drinks and walked past him, into the restaurant. I must have looked rather baffled because my then boyfriend immediately asked what he had said to me. I just said "Oh, nothing much"; I didn't think a bar fight would be very appropriate, birthday party and all. So I chose to disregard, but I also chose not to get any more drinks... Nothing else happened as far as this weird man goes. Next time I looked he wasn't there (I saw him at the other end of the bar later, so I think the bartender moved him away from the door).

To this day, that remark is the single most weird thing anyone has ever said to me - and believe me: I socialize with some strange folks. What was odd was, that he didn't as much scare me as puzzle me. But I must confess to never having been back to that particular place again.

Why was I reminded of this incident yesterday? Well, a guy at the bar turned to me and said: "Men say all kinds of weird things to women in bars, don't you agree?" And I did agree, so wholeheartedly that it made him frown a bit, and turn to find a more accommodating barfly. But then he didn't know what I was thinking about...

*Well, my mom says I am, at any rate. You know... my mom