The honey badger (Mellivora capensis), or ratel, is a member of the weasel family (Mustelidae) which inhabits sub-Saharan Africa, West Africa, Arabia, the Middle East, and much of India.

It has about the same build as your average European badger, with a length of 2 to 2 1/2 feet, and another 8-12 inches of tail. they weigh anywhere from 15 to 30 pounds. however, they're colored more like a skunk, being mostly black with a wide, white stripe along their upper parts, although totally black honey badgers have been found.

Honey badgers eat a wide range of insects, including beetles, ants and termites, scorpions and spiders. However, they're particularly well known for raiding bees' nests for the larvae and sweet, sweet honey within, not just by us humans, but by the honey guide (Indicator indicator) as well. The honey guide is a bird which eats bee larvae, beeswax, and honey, which it gets by attracting the attention of a honey badger and leading it to the bees' hive. Once there, the honey badger tears open the nest with its strong claws, and emits a noxious gas from its anal glands, which drives away or incapacitates the bees. the honey guide and the honey badger then get to eat the grubs and honey and beeswax. Honey badgers also eat various rodents, ground-nesting birds, and frogs and fish, when it can catch them.

Since his job is to raid bee's hives, the honey badger can withstand hundreds of African bee stings that would kill any other animal. He also uses his anal glands to communicate with his fellow badgers, and of course with his honey guide.

Billy the Badger, of Space Moose fame, is a honey badger.