Stream of consciousness.

Time zones. I interact regularly with people from other time zones. I need two clocks on my wall. One for GMT and one for my local time. You do too. If you give me international references with your local time, I just get confused.

Procrastination. Why is it that when I'm facing some of the biggest deadlines of the year I am here? I am here. Never mind.

Waking. Waking up to cold weather and rain. I stay in bed. Breakfast. Breakfast warms me. And yet, I sit here with the cold gnawing at my bones. I need more insulation. I need to remove myself further from nature. Sustainability. Sustainability is not about maintaining the status quo. Sustainability is not about tradition or keeping things the way "nature intends". Sustainability is about ethical progress. Progress that does not harm our own, and others, future.

Future. The future beckons me. My own future bobs in the sea, as a dinghy. I can see the stars. Where's my paddle gone?