This perennial flowering plant from the buttercup family (Ranuaculaceae) and in the genus Delphinium, has over 250 species. And is also known as larkspur, lark’s heel, lark’s claw and knight’s spur

According to the Victorian language of Flowers, Larkspur symbolizes a desire for laughter and a pure heart and the general colour indicates ‘ardent attachment’, ‘levity’, or ‘lightness’ whereas the pink variant symbolises ‘fickleness’, the purple bloom has the meaning of ‘first love’ or ‘sweet disposition’, and white for ‘ happy-go-lucky’.

Larkspur need to be planted in a way that would shield them if planted in a windy climate as they are easily damaged by strong wind and frost will wipe them out. They self seed and can grow right back after the winter.

Larkspur can grow rather quickly, preferring full sun and well drained soil, producing flowers in spring. The flowers grow on the 30 – 60 cm high spires of this tall plant and blooming at the upper end of the stalk grouping vertically with loose blooms of blue, lavender, white, rose or pink.

This plant is said to keep away venomous snakes and scorpions, possibly because of it is poisonous when ingested. It is also said to keep away ghosts...