When dancing in a disco, rave joint or other safe haven for illicit drug use it is very important that you put anyone who is unconscious, asleep or merely dancing on the inside into the recovery position (ask someone who's taken first aid to explain). This greatly increases the probability of them waking alive the next morning. It has the following effects:
  • Renders them unable to stand up quickly. This is important because those in drug induced sleep usually don't stand up for very long if they stand up quickly.
  • Allows gravity to clear vomit out of the airway.
  • Suggests to medics that someone with at least one clue has already seen to this individual.
It has been suggested that you call an ambulance for unconscious dancers. This, however, leads very quickly to questions such as ``what did she take?,'' ``what's her name?'' and the dreaded ``young man, could i ask you some questions?'' to which there are very few effective answers that don't make you look like (a) a sleaze, (b) a liar trying to cover you butt, (c) someone trying to cause trouble for the venue or (d) all of the above. The other problem with the ambulance option is that there's almost nothing that can be done for someone who's taken a large dose of unknown illegal drugs.

Dance safe, help everyone wake up alive the next morning, prevent the dance of death.