I used to think that doctors were wonderful. Hell, I wanted to be one. What could be more noble than being a part of the medical profession, where you help people every day and get paid good money to do it? Absolutely nothing of course.

Then my father got sick. He had cancer. He would have died from it if his heart didn't fail first, which I'm grateful for since there's nothing worse than a cancer death.

This experience convinced me that despite amazing technological advances, the medical profession is no better off than it was hundreds of years ago. We have antibiotics and immunizations now, and that's pretty much the extent of it. Back in the day, they used leeches to bleed people when they were sick. Today when people have cancer, they poison them, hoping that the poison will kill the cancer before it kills the person. I don't see much of a difference between chemotherapy and leeches.

They use kind, reassuring words to tell you that everything is going to be all right, that this is the problem and this is how to fix it. But this is just guesswork on their part, and many times the guesses are completely wrong. Here, we'll try this surgery. Oops, that didn't work, let's cut you up and take something different out. Repeat process until patient either dies or has miserable quality of life. Doctors are great if you break your leg, but if anything goes seriously wrong, consider yourself screwed.