Mc Donald's Now Hiring Full Time $8.00 per hour apply within

I noticed this sign yesterday outside the Mc Donald's near my house. I thought to myself, "Wow, they only paid $4.25 when I worked there in High School". The sign soon slipped from my mind, and I proceded to go about my business. The next day I realized something. I realized that I would actually make more money working at Mc Donald's than at my present job. The $1.50 per hour more I make now is completely eaten up by the gasoline costs and the wear and tear on my car from my 30 mile commute. Not to mention the fact that I would get free food from Mc Donalds, that actually puts it over the top salary wise. Plus I wouldn't have to spend an hour plus in traffic everyday.

That is so wrong.

Updated for 2019, I actually still make $9.50 an hour!