Celebrity Deathmatch aired on MTV from 1998 through 2002. The claymation show's premise was that two celebrities, or two teams of celebrities, would battle each other to the death in a professional wrestling environment.

Its first episode aired January 25th 1995 as the half time show for Super Bowl XXXII. In that first episode, Kathy Lee Gifford was melted by Howard Stern's flatulence, Pamela Anderson's boobs killed Rupaul and both The Spice Girls and Hanson were killed by Marilyn Manson.

The show continued its run for years, airing late during the week on MTV. Made famous for its interesting airings (example: Lesbian basher Dr. Laura Schlessinger battling open Lesbian Ellen DeGeneres), the one-liners, and of course, that fantastic claymation gore.

It was cancelled in 2002, yet a video game based on the series was released by Take 2 Interactive in 2003.

Today, watching reruns of the series on MTV2, I realized that MTV in the late-90s was the final time I ever enjoyed MTV at all. Basically, once Tom Green lost his show and Carson Daly was boning every 19 year old blonde in Hollywood...the network just lost its edge.

Or maybe I'm just sounding like some stubborn old fogey.

"Good fight, good night"