A school that Louis Sachar based a series of books around, claiming he worked there as the playground supervisor. The school was originally supposed to have been a perfectly normal one-story school containing thirty classrooms, but due to a regrettable error in the early design phases the school was accidentally built instead as a thirty-story building with one classroom on each story. The building contractors were very sorry, but by the time they noticed the mistake it was too late to do anything. The children at the school have no real problem with the odd construction of the school, because it resulted in there being a simply ridiculous amount of space left over for playground area. The books center around the class that meets on the thirtieth story. Each book has thirty stories. Really the only other class that is ever seriously addressed in the book is the one that meets on the nineteenth floor.

Wayside school was built without a nineteenth story. Not that this was because of any kind of superstition relating to the number 19; the building contractors just kind of forgot to build it, in another regrettable construction error. The class on the nineteenth story is taught by Mrs. Zarves.
There is no nineteenth story.
There is no Mrs. Zarves.

The series contained three books, Sideways Stories from Wayside School, Wayside School is Falling Down and Wayside School Gets a Little Stranger. There was also a compilation of freaked out math/logic problems sachar published, presented as textbook material from Wayside School. They were all four very, very trippy books.