My daughter has been in Thailand since July 4 and my son is now living on the east coast and working, done with undergraduate.

I have been a single mother since 2007, when my ex moved out of town. My daughter went to Thailand with the same group last summer, but I was still recovering from my strep A sepsis. I had gone back to work half time at the start of April after being out for ten months and was still wiped out. I worked and went to sleep by 7:30 every night.

So this time is different. No children at home and my daughter will be off to college in September, and she will be in and out in August. Transition. My ex kept in close contact with the kids, who were 8 and 13 when he left town, but they only spent a week here or there with him.

I am looking around the house, I am surfacing, I am starting to clean up nine years of "when I can get to it" and I am wondering: now what?

Clinic is going well. I am officially released to 3/4 time which really means I am spending 7-8 hours 5 days a week and that is enough. I have a choral concert next Thursday. I want time for writing and for singing and maybe more guitar and straightening up the house (....over a year or so...) and TRAVEL. First I will go to see my grand rats. My son got pet rats, so these are grand rats. We've been discussing whether I should knit them capes or booties or something....

Doctors are quitting left and right. We were down to one neurologist in the county north of us. Yesterday I heard that he is leaving. Our neurologist retired 5 years ago and then died. I have called the neurology team south of us about four patients in the last week (abnormal brain MRI, abnormal brain CT with memory loss, traumatic brain injury x 2 and mania, concussion aka traumatic brain injury and abnormal brain CT....) and they are booking out two months right now. They'll be handling 3 counties now....This is bad. The United States will end up with single payer if there are any doctors left.
