Ahhh, nostalgia for quality 80's educational TV...

Mathman was this wacky little character in a segment on Square One. He wore a football helmet and inhabited a space comparable to that of Pac-Man, except the dots were plus signs and minus signs. There was also a character named Mr. Glitch who resembled a tornado, and would eat Mathman if he fucked up.

MathMan, your mission is to eat only the number 6. When you encounter a number,
you will have until the count of 3 to make your decision. And beware the
ill-tempered Mr. Glitch. He will eat you if you are wrong.

Mathman: MathMan! MathMan! MathMan! *gling!*
(pauses, looking at a six)
Looks like a six to me! Yup! *gulp!* *trumpet fanfare*

Mr. Glitch: "Grumble, grumble..."

Mathman: Yee-hah! MathMan! MathMan! Numbers that are 6! MathMan! MathMan! *gling!*
(pauses, looking at another six)
Hmmm, tough one! *gulp!* *trumpet fanfare*

Mr. Glitch: "Grumble, grumble...he was lucky..."

Mathman: Yee-hah! MathMan! MathMan! Numbers that are 6! MathMan! MathMan! *gling!*
(considers the number 413)
Well, I guess so! *gulp!* *buzzer sound*
Oh, crap! That wasn't six!
(Mr. Glitch chases after Mathman)
(Mr. Glitch catches Mathman, devouring him)

Mr. Glitch: "Yum! That was satisfying..."