Saw Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon this evening with J. It was excellent. The Bytowne, a small local repertory theater had a full house. The movie had pretty good special effects. The acting wasn't the greatest, but the story was epic and the scenery beautiful.

Before and after the movie J and I went for drinks. We talked about so many things. J is interesting and almost everyone likes him but he can be very confusing and mysterious. He is so accommodating that it is tough to see what he is really thinking.

Anyway, he is so successful. It seemed to highlight my failures, especially when he started making fun of the business drones. That is my job. It made me feel so horrible about some of the decisions that I have made. I guess I have to work within my limitations: the main one is that I have been screwed by my family at every turn. There are certainly worse limitations than that. It is great that there are people like J whose family is so supportive, and they turn out so smart and strong. Oh well, my family has no chance to screw me now since they are totally gone. I also can't ignore that I have limited myself and shot myself in the foot many times too.

But, it really was a good night.