A device-independent bitmap (or DIB) is an image format used mostly internally by the Windows operating system. It allows GDI to work with and manipulate an image, regardless of the device capabilities of the display device or driver. The DIB mechanism is an abstraction designed to work as a lossless intermediary step between device-dependant formats; essentially, it necessitates only having a converter available to and from DIB rather than between all the other formats. The term device independent is misleading in that it refers to pixel depth of the output device; if the color depth of a DIB is higher than that of the output device, it will definitely look differently on that device (due to dithering and other color approximation processes).

DIBs are also a standard way to pass items between one another in Windows. One program can pass a DIB along as a Windows metafile, across the clipboard, or in a random memory segment and still be guaranteed “display-able” on the current device. This is very useful for many programs that need to interact with each other (especially going to a more complicated program, such as Microsoft Word).

DIBs have been around since Windows 3.0 for drawing and displaying graphic. Their use however was very limited until Windows 95, under which many operations opened up, such as being able to actually write to a DIB, being able to transfer back and forth between surfaces, etc. OS/2 also used DIB as an internal format for many of its drawing operations, and (almost surprisingly) Windows is built to remain compatible with it.

A DIB structure in memory stores all of the information necessary to display a bitmap on any set of drivers or device: color depth, pixel resolution, height, width, compressing scheme used, etc. There are two different ways DIBs can be represented in memory in Windows, either through the use of RGBTRIPLEs or RGBQUADs. Windows does not natively use RGBTRIPLEs, except for convenience and backwards-compatibility for working with OS/2 created images.

RGBQUAD DIB Structures:

BITMAPINFO (and its cousin BITMAPCOREINFO) is a structure that contains a BITMAPINFOHEADER of some type and an array of RGBQUAD structures that define the color table for the current bitmap. The important information is thus contained in the BITMAPINFOHEADER. As it is defined in wingdi.h
typedef struct tagBITMAPINFOHEADER{
  DWORD  biSize; 
  LONG   biWidth; 
  LONG   biHeight; 
  WORD   biPlanes; 
  WORD   biBitCount 
  DWORD  biCompression; 
  DWORD  biSizeImage; 
  LONG   biXPelsPerMeter; 
  LONG   biYPelsPerMeter; 
  DWORD  biClrUsed; 
  DWORD  biClrImportant; 

In this slightly confusing Hungarian Notation above, bi* stands for BitmapInfo. As you can see, size is first, as with many other extensible API structures in Windows. This line should always be:
myBitmapInfoHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
This is so that Windows can use the older drawing code to remain compatible with the older API standards. Many programs rely on the weird quirks of older engines, so close emulation is largely unacceptable for compatibility. This allows it to switch code for the version it is looking for (provided largely by the compiler). This means the size information is always in the same block when we pass it to the API. Other examples are WNDCLASSEX (compare with the older WNDCLASS, before people knew any better) and WINDOWINFO.

In the structure above, biHeight and biWidth are fairly easy to understand, biPlanes seems to be the number of layers to an object, and according the documentation should always be set to be 1. biBitCount is the number of bits per pixel. It can be zero (meaning that it is implied by the compression scheme, or it can be 1 (monochrome), 4, 8, 16, 24, or 32. Keep in mind that 32-bit DIBs take up much more space than is probably necessary to acurately display a bitmap.

The next field, biCompression describes the compression format of the bitmap. Now this goes somewhat against the "device independent" nature of the structure, but it implies that Windows knows how to undo compressed bitmaps of a certain type. Typically you'd work with uncompressed bitmaps for most small items (backgrounds and the like) and set it to BI_RGB. Windows 98 and higher allows you to work with items in PNG or JPG format for increased convenience.

The next three fields are fairly simple: biSizeImage describes how many bytes are in the image (if it is compressed; uncompressed items do not need this). biXPelsPerMeter and biYPelsPerMeter describe the resolution of the bitmap in terms of pixels per meter. The final two fields allow a person to optimize a bitmap and its display by shaping the current color ramp into an optimized version. This is a fairly advanced feature, and you can usually get away with setting these items to be zero.

For more information on how to work with a DIB in memory, see How to create a bitmap in memory in Windows, or the following Windows API calls (which relate to device-independent bitmaps, instead of DC's):

DIBs on disk (.dib or the more common Windows Bitmap .bmp) are very simple. They are described by the BITMAPFILEINFO structure tacked on to the remainder of the DIB (BITMAPHEADERINFO + RGBQUADS for the color table + bitmap info). This simply describes the file, gives it size, and tells the offset to where the DIB info lives in the file.

An introduction to DIBs : http://www.herdsoft.com/ti/davincie/imex3j8i.htm
MSDN Platform SDK documentation: http://msdn.microsoft.com