This was for a song writing class many years ago. This node reminds me of that song, so maybe it has a place here. Yes, it was written under the protection of a roof, in rainy Seattle. I don't think I've done any more writing of this sort since that class.

Rain Dance

Call forth the storm
Gather the clouds
Each beat, the thunder
Each note, sky fire

I beat your iron
I reap your wheat
I bring your rain
Wet in my hands
Exhale your wind
Cold from my lungs

Call forth the storm
Gather the clouds
Cultures crumble
Empires fall

Your insignificant ambition
Your insignificant pride
Your vain search for eternity
Dissipating with the stars

Call forth the storm
Gather the clouds
Each beat, the thunder
Each note, sky fire

Cultures crumble
Empires fall
Ashes to ashes
Dust to dust