Director: dizzy

Genre: Comedy / Romance

Tagline: Someone you pass on the street may already have noded the love of your life.

Plot Outline: Two noding rivals hate each other everything but fall in love over irc.

User Comments: One of the most romantic movies I've ever seen!!!

Cast overview, first billed only:

Tom Hanks       ....  nate 
Meg Ryan        ....  knifegirl
Sandra Bullock  ....  jessicapierce
Kevin Spacey    ....  sensei
Jet Li          ....  DMan
Larry Wall      ....  Ancient Perl Kung Fu Master
William Shatner ....  Colonic irrigation fatality
funnytoes       ....  werewolf dude

A noder with high xp starts voting down the nodes of another high ranking noder. Meanwhile they have been corresponding over irc without knowing who either of them are. They can't stand each other in person but over irc they are very attracted. He finds out who she is but she doesn't know. He starts to like her more but she still hates him. He has to win her over, while battling kung fu masters, hacking perl and holding off the forces of trolls and crackers.