C-Clamp was originally from Bloomington-Normal and Champaign-Urbana via the Chicago suburbs (somehow, all the Downer's Grove kids end up at UIUC or ISU) and first consisted of Tom Fitzgerald playing guitar and singing, Steve Kooi(?) playing bass guitar, and (some guy with a cool Buffalo Tom t-shirt) playing drums (sorry, noone remembers his name).

When they first started (1992?), they sounded an awful lot like Dinosaur Jr without the drugs - lots of warm distortion and mumbled vocals. Eventually, the nameless drummer and then Steve left, and ex-Hot Glue Gun bass player, Nick Macri, and Franz Ettiene took the bass and drum spots respectively. Franz played like he had six arms, and the locals were pleased.

After hiding out in a basement for a few months, they came out a new band. Math-rock-ey like Slint, but quiet and smooth like Codeine. Six-minute songs that required a bit of patience to follow, but the extra work was always worthwhile. Again, the locals were pleased, swooning in watery rhythm and watching Tom's fingers pretzel-knot. Then Nick started singing and making pretty harmonies with Tom's voice (which was still hushed, but much clearer). The locals did a backflip and drank another beer.

Over the next few years, records were recorded (all released through OhioGold/OhioGirl), and tours were toured, and they moved back to Chicago. Then Franz (who was also a carpenter by trade) accidentally put a bigass nail through his hand. And accidentally sawed off part of a finger. So... they're now technically a duo, but haven't done much of anything since Franz left.

Nick also rocked with Heroic Doses (Sub Pop), Euphone (Jade Tree), and is/was an offstage bassist with the Blue Man Group.

See also: Dianogah - Rex - Bedhead - Low