Thor is the fine work of Zetacreations. While not the largest dildo on earth (the Men-er-Hroech which supposedly stands at 67 feet long and can be found in Brittany holds this record), it is the largest dildo that I have ever seen that was meant to be used. It truly is the stonehenge of love toys. Standing at no less than 2 feet tall when "erect", the flare of the head is an amazing 5 inches across. I don't consider myself an expert on dildos, but to me this sounds pretty massive. Thor itself is based on a horse's penis.

Upon first seeing images of it, I decided that it was simply impossible to use! For one, I didn't think there was a vaginal or anal opening big enough to accommodate it. Not just that, but it looks pretty flimsy, too. If you were trying to use it, I'd wager that the thing would tip over in mid-use and it could even result in injury, but then again, I'm no dildologist, never having used one myself.

However, I must admit that if you had been blessed by God with a mammoth anus or vagina and a huge lust for some rubber lovin', Thor is the grand master, la piéce de resistance, the trophy dildo. However, in addition to a deep cavity, you must have deep pockets, because Thor will cost you a whopping $140.00 US Thor has had its price reduced! You can't afford to not own this piece of Sex Toy history! Just $120.00!

Somewhat mysteriously cropped photos of Thor as well as ordering info can be found at

Oh, and you might need to check out this, too, cause God knows you can't just slide Thor in there without a little elastisizing!