Hi everybody! I hope you’re all having a nice summer! So far, mine’s been great! We went to the beach down in North Carolina and had a really, really good time. I can’t wait to go back sometime. I’ve already been to a basketball camp and this week I’ll be going to a soccer camp at Ohio State. After that, I go to a sleep away camp for the Girl Scouts and after that, the summer will almost be over and it will be time for school to start again. I hope sixth grade will be as much fun as the fifth grade was.

On the Fourth of July we went to something called the “Doo-Dah Parade”. It’s not like a normal parade and anybody that wants to can march in it. They make fun of current events and I got pulled into the parade and had to sneak through a big orange fence that was making fun of the whole immigrant thing. They gave me a fake green card after I made it through. After that we went to a barbecue and I spent most of the afternoon in the swimming pool.

The other night we watched the first Pirates of the Caribbean with Johnny Depp. It’s one of my favorite movies. My dad told me that pirates come in many forms and that he still has a bit of pirate left inside him. I thought that was pretty cool.

We sat outside on the porch and watched the moon and the stars and talked about life. It made me think of our vacation and I wrote a poem about it. I called it “Snowglobes and Memories". I hope you like it!

Snowglobes and Memories

It was like being in a snowglobe
where nothing could get in
and nothing should get out

All that is left are photographs
stuck between pages of an album
left for other hands to turn.
Captions with simple words
try to tell the story of a memory

Ten years later

Looking through a suitcase
found in the basement
brushing off the dust from the surface.

Yellow tells the story of time gone by
Fading images come back
and so do the words
that try and tell the story.

Broken fishing poles with tangled lines
catch me and pull me back to when I was young
There are pictures of piers and beach houses and sunsets,
of sand dunes and crashing waves and fiddler crabs still scurry away

There are fishing boats and docks
filled with sailors admiring their catch
and I think that I can still smell
the salt in the air and the breeze on my skin

I’m still not too old to be catching fireflies
and I never catch the same one twice.

Bye !