I've been having random dreams of the same sort for a few months now. The problem is, generally my dreams are not of the sort that are fanciful or in some way unlike my day to day life, so the only clue that I was dreaming and not actually doing whatever I dreamed about is in realising (sometimes several days later) that I've not been in the same town with someone who made an appearance in my dream for a few months or so.

Now, the dreams I've been having recur generally deal with the same topic:  my smoking. I've been a smoker since my freshman year in college (four years ago), but nobody in my family knows (well, actually, my cousin Tim does, because he and I used to work together and take frequent smoking breaks; but to the best of my knowledge he hasn't told anyone). My friends all know I'm a smoker, but not my family, who I've been hiding my filthy habit from. So in my dreams I'm constantly faced with someone finding out, and then subsequent ostracization from the rest of my family. Oddly enough, in real life, my parents are both tobacco users.

So in last night's episode, my dad discovers my pipe as I left it lay on the coffee table. "Hmmmph," is all he said, and as I looked over my shoulder from the other room, the dream ended.

Okay, so it's rather anticlimactic, but these dreams have been bugging me for a while now, and maybe telling the world will get them off my chest.