The creation of the Big Red Button led to "Big Red Button Syndrome". A debilitating condition wherein the sufferer is irresistably tempted to do something they really ought not to.

Typical methods used for diverting people from these buttons/switches/penguins/whatever are making them large "denoting importance", red "denoting danger", or the most direct one, putting a sign up that says something to the effect of "DO NOT DO THIS YOU CRAZY BASTARD!"

Justification after an attack of BRBS tends to come in the form of "But... It seemed like such a good idea at the time!", or "It just called to me though!", or even (for the unimaginitive or the rebel) "I wanted to, so I did it.".

As noted elsewhere, the damage from BRBS can be devastating, causing possible loss of money, productivity, or in very rare cases, life.

So, in closing... When you see that huge button staring at you from its place on the wall... When you hear that little voice urging you to press that button, flip that switch, or feed that bear... Don't! It is a very very bad idea!