Prior to Rome's existence the Etruscans inhabited the Italian peninsula. Very little is known regarding the Etruscan culture. 753 BCE marks the founding of Rome. Most stories imply that the city was named for Romulus who outsmarted his brother Remus for ownership of the land. However, Plutarch is very clear to say that "from whom, and for what reason, the city of Rome, a name so great in glory, and famous in the mouths of all men, was so first called, authors do not agree..." The vast majority of the founding of Rome is rooted in myths and legends, none of which can be verified.

Ancient Rome
The actual Roman Republic was founded in 509 BCE. This is the date that marks the overthrow of the Etruscan monarchy and the beginning of the Rome with which most people are familiar. Myth and legend states that the overthrow was a product of the Rape of Lucretia. Prior to the establishment of the Republic, Rome was ruled by Kings. According to most sources there were 7 of these Kings between 753 and 509 BCE. These Kings are considered more myth than reality and few researchers have been able to produce any proof that they ever existed. The establishment of the Republic brought on the ideals of self-government and a sense of morality.

The Roman Republic actually claimed its land in a treaty with Carthage in 510 BCE. However, the Latin League would not recognize such agreements and a war broke out. Rome eventually claimed victory but it was uncertain whether this was true or if it was simply a draw between the two armies. Rome and the Latin League signed a treaty in 493 BCE thus ending the conflict. However, Rome's hand in conflict was far from over. Between 494 and 297 BCE there were a total of five conflicts referred to as The Conflict of the Orders. These conflicts consisted of plebian uprisings and demands for equal rights and representation in the government of the Republic. These uprisings led to the creation of The Twelve Tables. These tables were the recorded Roman law. These laws were engraved and displayed for all to see. The laws laid out rules for public, private and political dealings within the Republic.

Rome's history continued to be pocked with war and uprisings. There were many more conflicts including the Great Latin War, The Punic Wars, and The Macedonian Wars. These conflicts shaped the nature of the government and the state and led to the creation of the Roman Empire which ruled much of Europe until the death of Theodosius the Great in 395.

After the fall of the Roman Empire, Rome was once again the target of attacks. The city was sacked several times and the situation was looking pretty dim until late in the 8th century. The Pope decided to back up the Frankish King Pepin the Short who was claiming to be God's chosen one. In return for his support, the Pope received land around Rome and the alliance was known as the Holy Roman Empire which, of course, was neither Holy nor Roman.

Modern Rome
The Popes continued to gain power until 1527 when Charles V sacked Rome. This was followed by The French Revolution, Napoleon’s march and the Franco-Prussian War. These all brought an abrupt end to the power of the Popes and begin the shaping of a new Rome. In 1870, Rome became the capital of the newly united Italy. This left the Pope with no real power in Rome and thus he fled to the Vatican.

The 1920's and 1930's were a time of expansion in Rome. The city extended beyond its walls and Mussolini reigned supreme. During WWII, Mussolini sided with Germany and the city was treated appropriately. Following the war, Rome saw the resurgence of its old spirit and once again became a republic in 1946. The 1970's and 1980's were once again a time of change. Several student groups, the most famous being The Brigate Rosse, led protests against the left-wing government. Much of the 20th century in Rome was concerned with transforming a politically and economically corrupt government.

To this day the city is still undergoing changes and fighting the onset of political extremists from all sides. However, Rome is still a center for tourism. The city is considered one of the most beautiful in the world. It is the home to very unique architecture as well as an obvious wealth of history and culture. The city is also home to many artifacts from multiple ancient civilizations. How could you resist the city where Roman Holiday was filmed?
