Isaac Adamson is an author based in Chicago, writing novels that tend to show up in the "other" section of bookstores.

His first novel was Tokyo Sucker-Punch, starring the incourragable Billy Chaka. Chaka works for Youth In Asia, a magazine for Asian teens based in, of all places, Cleveland. He wears wingtips, has a thing for geisha and can't stay out of trouble.

Since Sucker-Punch, Adamson has written 3 other Billy Chaka novels; Hokkaido Popsicle, Dreaming Pachinko and Kinki Lullaby.

What sets these novels apart from others in the punk-noir genre is the touch of mysticism. Japan has recently become a hotbed of new religions. Adamson leans back towards more traditional concepts despite setting his novels in ultra-modern Tokyo. Geisha, yakuza, and a host of personas from Japanese folklore hold the keys to each story.

In an announcement on his website Adamson announced he would be retiring Billy and moving on to other things.

Also on his website is the first news about the Tokyo Sucker-Punch movie. The prognosis is good. Tobey Maguire will be headlining and many big names are on board. You can read the complete article here: