I was in Champs looking for shoes, which is strange, because I never go to Champs and I barely even know that they sell shoes. I decided on an ugly pair of shiny blue shoes for some reason that escapes me, then I started looking for a tennis racket. Every one I picked up, I thought it was worthy of using. The first one, he said was a kid's racket. The second... After I picked it up, as I was heading to the counter, became a ping pong paddle (only with a nylon paddle or whatever, surrounded by a plastic ring). The third had a goofy handle, but I was impatient and trying to progress the dream, so I settled.

I bought these things and I seem to remember walking through the mall. Someone kept screaming "Chips!" (which now I have determined is a result of my alarm), and it made me want french fries, because that's what chips are.

Then I woke up. But I woke up in the dream. I thought that it was 4:35, 25 minutes after school let out, on a Monday, even though it was a Tuesday. That was kinda strange. I was kinda worried about the work I missed, but then again I was more sleepy so I went back to sleep. That was when I woke up for real.