Zaar. According to the Internet-at-large, this track from Peter Gabriel's Passion is "written around traditional Egyptian rythms to ward off evil spirits". I could use that somma that beat on my soundtrack, too, Mr. Hossam Ramzy. Something in me has been wrestling with something else in me all day. I stepped into the shower this morning, and the inner turmoil (for which, my sloppy gloss is, "voices in my head") started. "This is going to be one of those days", I remember thinking in my most objective self, over the mental din.
Troubled. No more than any other day, I am tortured by my own jealousy and self-doubt. That "something else in me" (see above) insists that this is for my own good, and there's no reasoning with an emotional mechanism. It's true, you can't talk to a psycho like a normal human being, and when the psycho is you talking to you, it's better if you can settle down enough for a nap. When I do manage to silence the not-so-still, not-so-small voice of hungry undead rage, I think things like "Is it 3:00 yet?" "Shut your whiny cakehole, F.-!" and the ever-popular "Get the fuck out of my office." I manage to smile and my face makes the motions of polite small talk; that's perhaps when I most forget myself and really feel calm. There is a popular snippet of AA meditation that says "we live in a world not of our own choosing"; that resonates deeply with me, and I struggle to grok and cherish it 24/7.
Open. Eventually it is lunchtime. I sit in my car on this lovely warm day, for maybe 20 minutes, then head to the deli to buy some lottery tickets. The soup of the day is "Italian Wedding Soup", which I round out with a Diet Coke. This, I consume at my desk, while I read the new Scientific American issue. OK, I am calm then, too.
Before Night Falls. My supervisor has to work a double shift tomorrow, so he heads out to spend the rest of the day with his wife. One of the production machine operators tells me a disturbing story; in unrelated news, we agree that Larry King is a wackadoo. I stop home, but I have a Cinco de Mayo margarita coming to me so I head right out again - to the local Mexican TGIChainRestaurant. Some beer company, possibly Corona, is sponsoring loud, frat-mospheric festivities there, so I try out the Applebee's next door instead. The fresh-faced college girl server talks me into today's special: sizzling steak and deep-fried shrimp. Dessert is apple crisp (mostly buttery sweet "crisp", not much apple) and espresso. I consider a movie, but nothing is playing in the next half hour and I feel too old to pump quarters into the arcade machines for 45 minutes. Besides, Gladiator got a terrible review...
With This Love. After 2 margaritas, I really don't need more alcohol: my emotions have been riding me hard all day, and of course I know alcohol is a depressant. With these facts safely out-of-mind, I pick up a six of Sam Adams Cherry Wheat and set about expending my daily allotment of votes. Eventually something melts me, like a memory of the "Jesus sky" at my grandmothers' funeral - unbidden shafts of light rending dreary clouds.

Goodnight, you Princes of Nodes, you Kings of Everything2.