Why did I do it?
I thought that my pubic hair looked awful, like a big black bush. The only thing was I didn't think what I might look like without it. So I considered removing it.
What made up my mind was when I saw a woman with very little pubic hair getting changed in the gym. I thought that she looked really good. So when I went home that night, I got the hair removal cream out and started work.
It stung, quite a bit, and it was messy, but all I could think about was the woman at the gym. When the 10 minutes were up I started to remove the cream in the shower. I didn't realise I had so much pubic hair! Out came clump after clump of hair until I had none left. I dried off and I went to the full length mirror.
What a shock! You could see all my womanly bits and it looked nasty. My pubic area was bright red as the hair removal cream had irritated it. Worst of all it had left a fair bit of stubble. I looked like a complete fool.
I now know that pubic hair is there for a reason. I am now far too ashamed to get undressed at the gym and I am still red and itchy and it is becoming worse. I am never going to attempt such a daft task again.