The Way of the Gun can also be viewed as a modern Samurai movie. Anyone who has studied the culture of Japan during the period in which Saumurai philosophy developed, or has even seen a decent Samurai movie (i.e. Seven Samurai by Akira Kurosawa) will find the thematic elements and characters very similar to the Samurai. The single-minded determinism, never shying from danger or violence, the idea that one has already given oneself over to death, each of these is demonstrated in the movie.

SPOILER SPOILER If you haven't seen the movie, you sould stop reading now! SPOILER SPOILER

One facet of the movie that I find especially poignant is the end scene, where Phillipe and Del Toro plead to let the mother keep her baby, while they lay dying on the ground. It is this view of death that perfectly characterizes the protaganists as Samurai.