Every generation has its defining characteristics.... and most were shaped by wars... the past 2 generations being shaped by the Vietnam War, and WWII... We had Desert Storm... but, that wasn't much of a war, and most of us were too young to really care, anyway, we couldn't serve.... So, are we just a lost and wandering mass of heathens because we have no binding force? Is this why generation x is so lacking in cohesion and morals?

I don't really care if that's the reason, but we DO have something that keeps us all together: The love of 80's fantasy movies. I'm sure you know by heart most or all of those I'm going to talk about here... but when it comes down to it, every gen-xer loves 80's fantasy movies...

Definetly, the most highly regarded of them is Labyrinth... Who can resist the story of a girl battling evil to get her baby brother back? (not to mention David Bowie's package *eg*) Most anyone can recite portions of this movie, if not the whole thing... And if you are in a bind for something to do, you can always fall back on watching Labyrinth with your friends, they'll be up for it, and you'll re-live many memories.

The others, I'm uncertain of where they would rank, exactly... but I would say on a whole, The Neverending Story comes in second... The battles of a small boy reading what is more than a book... the plight of an entire existence on his shoulders, that could have been any of us. Don't ever let the nothing devour your imagination!

My personal favorite out of these five is The Princess Bride... Someone not like this movie?? INCONCEIVABLE!! Another book being read approach, both done quite effectively. True love can never be stopped, not even by death. Pirates, giants, sports, and yes, even kissing. So many plot twists it's dizzying.

Legend... ahh, so beautiful. The epic story of a world turned upside down, because a simple unicorn was defiled. A band of inexperienced, but determined adventurers set out to fix it all. By far the prettiest movie of them.

And don't forget The Dark Crystal... It's been so long since I've seen it, I really should rent it again. Two small and frail little fighters go out to stop the tyranny that has befallen their existence. No human actors to be found here, and Jim Henson really did a bang-up job making this one come to life. I bet you haven't seen it in quite a few years either... it always gets pushed to the bottom of the pile.

You see, you know most, if not all of these movies... And so do the rest of your generation!! Anything that can touch so close to the hearts of millions has to have good repercussions... When you can't think of anything to talk about, or do, consider the preceding five favorite and classic movies. You know you need to see them all again. And if you've never seen any, you're missing out.