I really find words amazing. Many different meanings avail and sail through our minds. One might discuss culture or current events, gesticulate until the coffee is spent and the night is over. Waking up at dawn brings us a feeling of hope for the day, and we make plans for the market. Selling fruit will bring us money with which to buy small sweets that rot our teeth. That is what our mothers tell us, but I suspect differently, that it's a ploy to retain all the sugary goodness for themselves. But they say Mother knows best, for she's been here longer. That reminds me...

Forty-eight years of age, and it's a fine wine. South African red, no label, poured out one day to accompany a fitting meal. We eat under dark beams and lament. Alas, I have little more than vintage wine, and memories. We discuss bad dreams, of falling, of assassination, perhaps combine the two, for defenestration. You wonder if there's a historical basis for such a fantastic verb. I drink too much, and to clear my head, I wander. Blink. Where have I found myself? I shake my head, and you shake your head, when you catch up to me. This reminds you of a time...

How our minds wander! Let's laugh, smile, and frown. What brought us on this merry ride? Let's return to the point at hand.

alieniloquent (adj.)
Speaking discursively or straying from one’s point.


We have all had a friend/relative/lecturer of such a persuasion. How I've wasted cherished many overlong afternoons trapped within recursive stories, always relevant to another. That reminds me!...