We went to New York City in August of 2001, visited friends, saw plays, and did tourist things. Poked our heads into the lobby of the Chelsea. We debated going up the World Trade Center, but opted for the Empire State. It had more history, real and imaginary, and, yeah, we actually said something like, "it's not like the WTC isn't going to be there next time."


My wife spent most of that September 11 trying to get in touch with our friends in New York. He was at home in Forest Hills. She spent the day walking back, had a long conversation with some guy heading the same way. Both were okay.

And so we felt relief.

Nearly 3000 other people died.

September 10, 2023, I turned on the news and then frantically contacted my sister. My sister-in-law was in Morocco. In fact, she was in Marrakesh with friends. Fortunately, they were unhurt and made it out early that morning, minus some possessions.

And so we felt relief.

Nearly 3000 other people died.