The swastika or fylfot is known in Japanese as the manji. As Storm_Damage mentions above, it is used as a map symbol for a Buddhist temple. I have been told that it stands for fluidity, energy, and the dynamic balance of opposites.

There is a dungeon level in the original Legend of Zelda video game which is shaped like a manji -- which, I'm sure, must have given some folks pause when they saw it on the game maps.

The swastika is also known as the gammadion or crux gammatica. Both of these latter names derive from the Greek letter gamma; if you stick four capital gammas together at ninety-degree angles, you get a swastika. (Compare the term "pentalpha" for the pentagram.)

A related Greek symbol is the triskele or triskelion, which is a three-legged swastika. It appears to have been first used as a symbol of athletic victory: three running legs conjoined at the hip, denoting constant speed or endurance or some such.

Swastikas in clockwise and counterclockwise can be found in the character set at positions 5350 and 534D hexadecimal.