The main thing to keep in mind is that, while they think you are there so that they can assess you and decide if you are the right person for the job, you are actually there to assess them and see if the job is right for you.

Interviewers are obviously going to be asking you a lot of questions about what you have done before and what you want to do in future. Then they only tend to give you a few minutes at the end that are specifically set aside for you to ask questions. Don't let them play it this way.

Whenever they ask you something think about what it says about the company and it's attitude towards its employees.

  • Ask them if you will be given chance to develop your skills and if you will be given work in areas that interest you.
  • Be confident in your own abilities and use the interview to see if it's the sort of place where they will be appreciated.
  • Try to find out how pleasant it will be to work there.
Basically, remember that if you are given the job then you are going to be spending most of your waking life under their roof.