Gelotology comes from the Greek word gelos and is the physiological study of laughter. One of the first people to study laughter was Robert Provine. During his experiments he documented how laughter is caused.

1. The left side of the cortex analyzes the joke
2. The brain frontal lobe becomes active
3. The right hemisphere of the cortex finishes the analysis of the joke
4. It then spreads to become processed by the senses
5. Lastly the motor section of the brain gets stimulated to evoke laughter

Other emotions are said to mainly stay in one section of the brain.

He also documented the three basic reasons why we laugh.
1. Incongruity theory - when logic and familiarity don't go to together. We laugh when we expect one thing and see or hear another.
2. Superiority theory - this is when we laugh at someone else's misfortune, mistake or stupidity. Like laughing at your friend falling down the stairs.
3. Relief Theory - when something is high in tension and then the tension ends. Sort of like comic relief.

Robert Provine also proved that laughter really is the best medicine. It brings people together and helps to relive stress and illness. Laughter actually helps us physiologically. For instance it increases blood platelets and increase the amount of oxygen to the body. Comedians and clowns are even now brought into hospitals to help the patients, sort of like Patch Adams. The American Cancer Society even sponsors laugh rooms in hospitals. It's not a bad workout either. Laughing almost 100 times is equivalent to 10 minutes of using a rowing machine. So with that all said get out there and tell a joke.