Also, Garry-with-two-rs has a fascinating, slightly repulsive beard which covers the lower half of his face to a uniform depth of half an inch. He has a website, at .

Bushell's background is music journalism; he used to write for Sounds magazine during the late 1970s, mainly about punk; and was a champion of the sputtering 'Oi!' movement in the early-80s. He subsequently moved into mainstream journalism, as a celebrity columnist for The Sun. In 2001 he completed a novel called 'The Face', about gangsters in cockney London. It has nothing to do with Face magazine. For complex legal reasons to do with the novel's serialisation in the Daily Star, although more likely due to Sun editor David Yelland's desire to liberalise the paper and remove the remnants of Kelvin McKenzie's illustrious reign, he was let go by The Sun, and currently writes for the Sunday People.

He's politically right-wing, to say the least. Not quite as offensively so as Richard Littlejohn (there's a sense that, deep down, there might be some good left in him), but nonetheless he commits the cardinal sin of affecting a cockney twang whilst pretending to be a man of the people (despite being a writer by profession). He was often to be found in commercials for The Sun, grinning inanely.

His eyes are scary, truly frightening. When he smiles, he looks as if he's filled with a murderous rage.