KANJI: KAN KEN aida (between, space, gap, interval)

ASCII Art Representation:

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Character Etymology:

The radical representing door/gate surrounding the radical for sun showing through, indicating between/gap/space.

In olden times, the radical for moon could replace sun without changing the meaning.

A Listing of All On-Yomi and Kun-Yomi Readings:

on-yomi: KAN KEN
kun-yomi: aida ma ai

English Definitions:

  1. KAN: interval; space; between; among; discord; favorable oppertunity.
  2. KEN: six feet.
  3. ai: interval; between, medium; crossbred.
  4. aida, awai: space, interval, gap; between, among; midway; on the way; distance; time, period; relationship.
  5. ma: space, room; interval; pause; rest (in music); time; a while; leisure; luck; timing, harmony.
  6. ma(monaku): soon.

Character Index Numbers:

New Nelson: 6391
Henshall: 92

Unicode Encoded Version:

Unicode Encoded Compound Examples:

(jikan): hour, time.
(ningen): human being.
(kanshoku): eating between meals.
間諜 (kanchou): spy, secret agent.


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