This is a simple but useful technique for folding a square out of a rectangular piece of paper. It's vital for anyone who wants to create origami out of photocopier paper. I've included simple ASCII drawings to make it easier to follow - please forgive my lack of artistic skill.

  1. Line up the rectangular sheet so that the long side is horizontal:
    |      |
  2. Fold either of the upper two corners down, so that one of the short sides is lined up perfectly against a long side:
    | | /
  3. Finally, fold the bit of paper protruding from under the folded triangle up. Now you have a square!

This will work for any rectangular piece of paper, including wrapping paper scraps or gum wrappers, as long as it is actually a rectangle, ie. has right-angled corners. Or at least has two right-angled corners. The tag end can be folded over and torn off, as it might get in the way of clean folds, especially if your square turns out to be very small. (/me likes to leave little cranes wherever hands have been free..)

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