Debriefing about the Briefness
Running a quest takes quite a lot of work! Reading, voting, and keeping track of all the submissions was time-consuming—but quite a lot of fun! I'm just glad it wasn't "Verbosity Quest." It was an absolute treat to get a chance to work alongside the darling and delightful Debutante, she really helped to make it a good time (and, between that and her Claus duties, I'm thinking she's ready for an extended holiday).
We did have a bit of controversy over the two-word poems. I am pretty equivocal on the matter, but we everythingians need to be very careful not to come across as a bunch of spoilsports, party-poopers, and sticks-in-the-proverbial mud. Still, the whole thing was pretty silly, and got old really quickly, but a couple of the entries were quite clever.
But even with the minor squabbles, it ultimately turned out to be a very successful quest—over 120 entries, from more than sixty skillful noders. Some of the entries were funny (we even had a couple of silly cheap-laughs in there), some were very serious, many were absolutely amazing. I would like to thank every one of the participants and everyone who voted and C!d the entries. This has been a terrific experience for me. I would also like to thank The Debutante for being the best co-host that I could have possibly hoped to work with.
Because, to quote the Queen from Black Adder, we: "...just couldn't choose between our faves..." we have chosen to declare a three-way tie for first place, and a two-way tie for third place...and here are our winners (each to receive something fun in their real mailbox—but we will need addresses):
First Place
Second Place
Kanoodle (one of E2's rising stars, his contributions were sterling as always)
and, tied for third place
Thanks again, everyone! Trinkets, both real and virtual will be sent soon!