This is a Scottish recipe that's good for many everyday and celebratory purposes, but these nice little triangle-shaped scones are particularly appropriate for May Day celebrations. They are rather bitter in their aftertaste, so I suggest adding the optional sugar (or an alternate sweetener) as well as providing the recipients something sweet to put on it, like honey or strawberry jam.



Preheat the oven to 375º F. Mix all the dry ingredients together in one bowl. Cut in the butter with a fork. Put the milk in a small bowl and stir in the treacle. Now take that mixture and tip it into the dry ingredients. There will be no more ingredients after this, so if after mixing it thoroughly it is still too dry to be dough, add very small squirts of milk into the batter until it is handleable and can be kneaded. Knead 10 times on a floured board, then roll to 3/4-inch thickness. Cut out triangular shapes (if you wish to go with tradition). Bake on a greased cookie sheet for 10-13 minutes.

Yield: 1 dozen
Source: Paraphrased from Telesco, A Kitchen Witch's Cookbook
Use for: Beltane

Pagan recipes

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