Haikubes is already a not so great idea to begin with, but on top of that this product is very poorly executed.

First of all there are waaaay too few dice. The instructions tell you to roll all the dice and try to make a haiku, but you only have a few handfuls of dice so your word choice is extremely limited.

On top of that, they inexplicably make all the dice have a blank side. This means that about 1/6 of your dice won't have any word at all on them! This takes your already limited options and limits them even further, for no good reason! They claim this is to add "blank space" to your finished haiku, but I just call it lazy.

On top of that, their word choices are extremely bizarre and un-haiku-like. The original 2010 edition I have includes the words "thugs," "ass," "screwed," and "anal." How am I supposed to play this with my kids? Another die has a bunch of symbols on it - #@&*#!! - which I suppose is intended to represent some indeterminate swear word? How expressive.

Most bizarrely of all, despite how few dice there are, a lot of words repeat! The first time I rolled the dice, two different dice said "doctor." Who in the world is going to use the word "doctor" twice in the same haiku??? When the word selection is already so limited in so many ways, why put any doubles in there at all? There is no coherent design to the words selected - you could have thrown darts at a word list and come up with a more useful selection of words.

There are so many bizarre design decisions here, which are just inexplicable. It's like this thing was designed by aliens. In the end, these bad design choices make it really, really frustrating and difficult to come up with a workable haiku, defeating the entire purpose of this product.

I notice from Estelore's list that the less poetic words like "thugs," "ass," and "anal" have been removed from newer versions, but there is still the die with the bleeped-out swear words and there are still two dice with "doctor"!