Everything2 is a collection of user-submitted writings about more or less everything. Spend some time looking around and reading, or learn how to contribute.

Cream of the Cool

June 20, 2024 thru July 15, 2024

Side Quest 2024:
an Epilogue

Hear ye, hear ye! Let it be known that the relevant votes are in and tabulated, GP totals have been submitted for distribution by the gracious and respected Tem42, and so it must be time for the rest of the recognitions! (Am sure there are still upvotes and C!s on the way as well.)

<insert trumpet flourish here>

Finally, some simple ways to improve your day-to-day coffee brew

"I must offer a word of caution here: don’t invest in an espresso machine at home unless you want a new hobby."
James Hoffmann

After some of my recent writeups about coffee, one or two of you have commented that I appear to be setting standards much higher than most people have on the topic. To quote one, "All most people want is a good cup of coffee, not

Installing applications on a device outside the "approved manner" to bypass some restriction, like a modern Sneakernet

"Sneakernet is a slang term that refers to the transfer of data and electronic files between computers through removable media (like hard drives, flash drives and optical disks), which are physically transported between computers and on foot. This method is used in lieu of a computer network file transfer. "

In which Kevin can't write anything worthy (in his opinion)

Not that I haven't tried, but even my attempts at factuals turn into endless stories, everything else just seems like focused rants or tinfoil-hat nonsense and everything else is pappy drivel or broken-hearted wallowing in self-pity. Seriously, I went through my Drafts and offed too many like that.

But I woke up alive again, which is good, and I'm in a very nice café with a good friend and a lovely cappucchino. The