starving angel,

ripe with hate,

filled through with pain,

pregnant with hell's fury,


he kneels before the slate concrete altar,

rancid and festering, bound and bare,

where he submits in holy penitence,

to be scourged and beaten.


fallen angel,

far from light,

lost to heaven,

eternal purgation.


left forever in the dark,

his skin knows no light, no glory,

once radiant, glowing,

now sickly and pallid.


crying angel,

smothered sins,

dully wonder,

if it'll happen again.


he found a blade in the cellar,

where he was bound, scourged, cleansed,

there was never redemption, hope, salvation,

every night he dies, just to be born again.


choking angel,

full of pain,

ripe with heaven's regrets,

damnation, salvation.


dead angel,

his body hates,

the taste of death, it just,

refuses to rot.