user since
Sun Nov 10 2002 at 05:25:23 (21.6 years ago )
last seen
Wed Aug 20 2008 at 19:14:51 (15.8 years ago )
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / 0
mission drive within everything
Fix stuff. Maybe write something eventually.
Lurking, not noding.
None, currently
No rest for the wicked, so I must be very, very wicked.
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Mostly I just lurk and give ninja /msgs to correct errors in writeups... I swear! I'll do something eventually!

A procrastinator's work is never done.

I'd like to take a moment to recommend some stories and story-like nodes. Carriage Return involves a manual typewriter. The World's Shortest Horror Story may have been written on one, but doesn't have a subject related to the aforementioned writing device. Revelation of the Lamb in Four Parts trades literature for film. The Hierophant uses painting as its medium. Repentant Assassin's Defense uses D&D as a microcosm of the world as a whole, but is not exactly a story. Looking all over Hell's half acre is a bit longer, and it's been long enough since I've read it that I've forgotten what it's about.

Guns don't kill people. Robots kill people.

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